My Intention

273 thoughts on “My Intention”

  1. Thank you Tom for following. I love your photos! I love nature and I’m always in awe of what I always see. I’m really glad you found me 😊

  2. Looks like a new blog.

    I am an avid Nature lover myself, and feel very blessed to live where I do. Idaho has some of the most beautiful scenery I have beheld the world over. I have traveled around the world a few times. Therefore, I do not make this statement lightly, as I have also had the opportunity to visit the Bavarian Alps in Southern Germany, got to go to nearby Salszburg, Austria, and even toured through Belgium, several points in France, and was even blessed with being stationed so close to Denmark!

    This world of ours has so many beautiful scenic experiences, and many beautiful people to share in the memories with.

    I am also very blessed, and honored, that you chose to follow my personal blog.


    Keep up the good work, and your love of Nature.

    – Thank you

    – Rev. Dragon’s Eye

  3. Seriously, excuse my French but I always start swearing when I see something really beautiful. Dunno why.

  4. I want to move into your pics. Amazeballs. F***ing beautiful – excuse my French.Love them.

  5. I enjoy your blog a lot. I feel captivated by your photographs and the writings I have read enhance and are enhanced by the photos.
    I like the theme you are using for your blog. I think it goes very well with what you post. It enhances the content. Would you share which theme you are using? I would like to check it out.

  6. I can see that living in such an environment could make a person somewhat reflective. It amazes me that there are people, living in northern temperate zones, who are unaware of so much as the passing seasons. They don’t know what they’re missing.

  7. hello, tom – you have an amazingly site, that is beautiful in every way. your demeanor seems gentle and peaceful and it seems to be how you live in the world. i am much the same. thank ou for reading and following my blog – best, beth

  8. Thank you for following my blog, The Paper Wallflower. Much appreciated! Your blog is wonderful – stunning photos πŸ™‚

  9. Hey man, thanks for checking out my blog. Have enjoyed quite a fair few things of yours and look forward to reading and seeing more!

  10. Hi Thomas!
    Thank you so much for following my blog – glad you like it πŸ™‚
    Your site is truly inspiring, I will definitely stay tuned!
    xx Eliane

  11. You have a beautiful site, Thomas.

    I see you are following my “Delight in Disorder” blog. Great! Thanks.

    I have just moved my blog within the website, “Delight in Disorder: Faith & Mental Illness” ( I hope you’ll join me there. You can subscribe on the left sidebar under the heading, “More Delight.”


  12. Thanks for following HearMoreFromGod.wordpress. You do beautiully with pictures what I attempt to do with words. What a talent. God obviously speaks to you when in His Creation. thanks for sharing your talent!

  13. Hi Tom, without you following us on our blog now, I would probably never found your beautiful site ! Great to see others who get so inspired by nature and are able to express themselves also through these amazing photos ! Greetings from Nova Scotia and restless-roots

  14. For me, this photo of the lake would be good without the beaver lodge, but with it, it is great. Thanks for making my morning. I know they must be out there, but I don’t see many beaver lodges or beavers here in Washington.

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